09 July, 2013

Deep in my heart: Part Two

Adelphean Processional

Day two of Convention brought the official opening of Grand Convention with the Adelphean Processional and presentation of the chapters and their flags.  The last consultant gal showed up the day before during Ms. Mannle's training so we were able to take a group shot of all 10 of us!  I, of course, was rocking a skirt suit because I love me some pencil skirts!

Top row left to right: Katie, Morgan, Lauren, Katherine, Kashia
Bottom row left to right: Caroline, Courtney, Haley, Logan, and myself
Photo from Miss Katherine

The Processional has been an event I have wanted to partake in since the Chapter President, Robin, attended Grand Convention right before my sophomore year.  The event did not disappoint! Neither did Ms. Pinkston's keynote address ADPi- Deep in My Heart.

Gamma Nu's current Chapter President, Ashly Blake

Foundation Luncheon
For lunch we attended the foundation luncheon where my fellow Sister of the Suitcase, Caroline, spoke about her experience with the foundation and the significance the scholarships and other services have on the members of Alpha Delta Pi.  She did a wonderful job and I'm proud to say I know her!  At every meal the incoming consultants sat with different province directors or past consultants to learn more about being a consultant or their districts.  

This year the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation is celebrating their 30th Anniversary and at this lunch we celebrated the women who have given back to the foundation over the years.  To learn more about everything the foundation offers please follow this link.

Some Chapter Presidents I sat with during the Foundation Luncheon!

Business Meetings

It isn't all play and no work at Convention!  We do have some sorority business to attend to because a sorority is a lot like a business in some ways.  Although I was not an official voting delegate (which made me kinda sad) it was still incredible to sit in on the business meetings and literally witness history occurring.  The voting body voted on amendments, resolutions, and the new Grand Council over the span of the two business meetings.

Naturally, as the nerd I am I took great notes and will have them in my journal for all of time!

Diamond 4-Point and Achievement Awards Celebration

Diamond 4-Point and Achievement Awards are two of the base awards that Chapters need to reach before they can move up in the awards hierarchy and one day reach our more coveted award The Golden Lion.  At this dinner we celebrated all of the collegiate and Alumnae chapters who reached this level and began the distribution of awards to chapters. It was incredible to see the number of chapter awarded these awards.

Later that night the incoming consultant attended So You Want to be a Leadership Consultant?  and it was interesting to be on the other side of the question when just one year previous I was the one asking questions.  

Day Three

Physically Fit with the Foundation

Bright and early some high-achieving ADPis attended a JamZone dance fitness class offered by the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation and since I love to boogie of course I was there!  It was a blast to get my groove on at 7am (ok I didn't looove the time) with some of my consultant gals.

We then attended our second business meeting and afterwards the incoming consultants had the opportunity to attend the International Officer Appreciation Luncheon.  Our volunteer International Officers are the bread and bones of our organization and ensure that everything runs smoothly for all involved.  We celebrated women who have served 10, 20, and more years of service to Alpha Delta Pi.

We then celebrated a free afternoon of frolic and play!  Alright I took a nap and then was able to participate in being recorded for the foundation video (maybe I'll be coming to a screen near you!  haha not really).

Boots & Bling Alumnae Dinner

For dinner we had the opportunity to dress up in our favorite bling accessories and boots (I opted for sparkle flats instead) because it was red pant Friday and cowgirl boots don't match the best!  The women who have been members for 50 and 60 years were recognized and for the first time the 60-year ceremony was conducted.  I tell ya when I get to be their age I hope I look at good as they do!  

Finally, Grand Council surprised us by leading us out to the main lobby area for a Texas Dance Party to learn some boot scootin' line dancing!  Btw check out Alpha Delta Pi's instragram because you'll find a picture of the International President, Ms. Pinkston doing the wobble!  Shout out to my Gamma Nu girls for always doing this in the sorority parking lot!

Well I tried for a shorter post but I guess it just wasn't meant to be!  Only Saturday and Sunday left so look forward to part three of this installment.

Also, I'll work on the photo taking for the next year!

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