25 March, 2012

Inspiration of the week

This week I was blessed enough to have three great inspirational events happen to me.

First off, a delightful sister from Northwest was at Jewell to interview for the nursing program and learn more about Jewell.  She is considering transferring to Jewell in the Fall because we have Alpha Delta Pi, her home.  She did not care that we were not the chapter she had signed a bid card with, she did not care she might be in a house full of women she had never bonded with.  All she said was it is going to be different but it is all ADPi right? Her love and devotion to our organization made my day and week.  She reminded me that regardless of everything occurring within the chapter, we are working for something much larger than ourselves.  

Second, I had two people in the same day tell me they think I am doing a good job in my office.  This was the first time I had heard this from someone other than my roommate or suite mates.  It was nice to have the affirmation from two women I respect a lot, a recent Alpha Delta Pi alumna and our Greek Advisor on campus.

Third, at my Career Mentorship on Thursday I picked up a magazine while waiting and read the letter from the Editor.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that even though she was the Editor of a women's magazine, she spoke of empowering the woman.  She spoke about her trials and tribulations and how they have shaped her into the woman she is today.  Her struggles pushed her to do a man's job and encouraged other women to do the same until there is no longer a job designated as a "man's job".  

There is inspiration to be found in the littlest of things in the world... it is only a matter of finding them.  

20 March, 2012

No one said it would be easy... they only said it would be worth it

there are two very important things I have learned about life this semester:

1.       people are crazy and they come in all forms
some people are a little crazy and some are a whole lot of crazy… plus a little more

2.      the best leader is the one who does not feel they deserve the position
however, they feel obligated to fulfill the responsibilities for the betterment of others

I know that following the path that is right is how I am to lead, even though it is difficult most of the time

Also, I am considering putting on my resume the main concept I have learned is that people are crazy #kiddingbutnotkidding

life can be difficult and frustrating at times when there is conflict surrounding us

“We must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy.”  Albus Dumbledore

07 March, 2012

Email can be tricky sometimes... all the time

Internship for the summer- CHECK!

As of this past week I am the official Gala intern for the Harriman-Jewell Series for this summer until the Gala occurs in late September.  This has been a position that I have always looked up to and desired but never really thought was attainable.  

Well now that's going to be my life for a little while... Here we go!

For a little more information about my favorite job ever (we have a rockin' season next year):

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