29 July, 2015

Let's just be honest...

...Let's just be real.

I know it's cliche to quote a song but I don't care because chances of anyone reading this post is slim to none.

Our automatic response to the question, "How are you?" is "Good" or some variant.

What if we lived in a culture where we could be vulnerable?

I wouldn't answer with "Good" or "Doing well" or "Living the dream" or whatever else pops into my head.  I would answer more honestly.  I would say something like, "You know, I'm actually not doing too great right now.  My sister is moving to Atlanta in a few months, and I don't have any friends that I can fall back on in her absence.  I have my girlfriend but no real friends that I see or talk to on a consistent basis.  I kinda feel like my world is falling apart around me."

I have no clue how anyone would respond to my answer but it would be the truth.  The truth hurts and that's why we keep it inside when we are exchanging pleasantries.  I wish it wasn't that way.

Just some thoughts that have been going through my head recently.
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