The next morning brought our first day of training, welcome to Executive Office, and getting our own ADPi Swag for the dream job!
See? We all get our own PiPad, Piphone, Visa credit card, nametag (helllllooo official!), and LC guard!
Later in day we received our own business cards so we are basically traveling professionals already. Alright just kidding, give us a couple more weeks of training!
Some of my favorite parts of the day included a tour of Executive Office with the archivist and learning about the history of the house and more ADPi history which I love to tell anyone who will listen. Finally, we all received clipboards from our Violet sisters and I tell ya all my Violet sister is the She made the cutest clipboard and naturally it was one of the only things I remembered to snap a photo of today. So take a little looksises and be amazed at her crafting skills because we all know I am!
This is the back which is the cutest little chalkboard that I'll be able to change whenever and of course she went with my theme of adventure. Best Vi ever!!
Then this is the most darling front with my letter from her which definitely made me cry because somehow she knew exactly what I needed to hear today.
Anyway, training is going well so far but most importantly all of us consultant gals get our travel schedules/ station plans TOMORROW!!!
Don't worry I plan on letting ya'll know when I know!
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