31 December, 2012

Here's to Another Good Year

Here's to another year in this wonderful world! 

2012 was a year of immense learning and growing as a women and as a leader. It was also one of great heartache and great joy.  This is definitely not a year I am going to forget anytime soon and I look forward to what the next year will bring.

This is 2012 for Grace in pictures.


 Welcomed some wonderful women into our sisterhood.

My Alphie became a hit sensation!

Attended DLC in our own District V and got to know some
 great women from Alpha Gamma Chapter at Mizzou!

Also, this little baby kitten joined my life.
Initiated my first group of women as President
(sorry no photo) and volunteered with our new Deltas at
Ronald McDonald House in Kansas City


Gamma Nu Chapter hosted RMH week and Change a Child's Life.

Also, I got to sing on stage with Graham Colton!  Best April ever!
Attended Black Diamond with my lovely sisters!
Then I got to see some pretty great women graduate.
Celebrated a great 21st birthday.

And I started Human Physiology as my summer course which was my favorite class yet!

July: Marked another off my bucket list.
Read about it here: Glow Run 5k

Most importantly, I attended Leadership Seminar on behalf of my chapter.
I met and was able to dine with a wonderful past 
International Grand Council President: Mrs. Goddard!
A very humbling experience.
 Had to say goodbye to Miss Wall as she
headed off to her adventure in the cold North.
Served on the greatest Orientation Team ever.

Planned and implemented the Gala Silent Auction for the
Harriman-Jewell Series with the help of these wonderful women.
In the same week I also served on Homecoming Court for William Jewell.
Attended Mallard Ball with this man and celebrated our 2 and a half year!

Then Celebrated Halloween with ice cream and my dear friend AuBree.

Gamma Nu Chapter hosted RMH week with a
Powderpuff Tournament and Pop Tab Poker.
FINALLY got to meet my dear Long Distance Diamond Sister (second from the left) and spent some time with my dear friend, Taylor, who moved to Wyoming.
Oh, and not mention my favorite Mr. Graham Colton!
Ended the month of November with Lighting of the Quad, my favorite tradition!


 LOVE Christmas and this large Santa in Semple Hall!
Ended the year with a bang by a trip to Florida for Christmas!

The year of 2012 was a great year but I believe 2013 will be even greater!

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